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What is the Lilly Sabri Hot Girl Summer Shred? And who is Lilly Sabri?
Lilly Sabri is an YouTuber that have workout videos online. But she’s so much more than that.
I heard about Lilly Sabri from Linda Sun. While watching one of Linda Sun videos she talked about Lilly Sabri and how she loved her workouts and that Lilly was one of her favorites.
You can check out Lilly’s channel here.
So I had to see what she was talking about and OMG I wanted to try her workouts right away!
But I knew I had to build up to her level. So I started with the Jump Rope Challenge which you can read more about it here.
Then I went on to the Chloe Ting challenge which you can read about here and finally I felt like I was ready.

Lilly Sabri Workouts
So Lilly Sabri is a Youtuber that does workout videos, but what kind of workouts does Lilly have on her challenge?
Lilly has a combination of Pilates moves, strength training, cardio, kick boxing, and so much more.
And I think this is the best thing she not only keeps things fresh with all of these different types of workouts but a lot of her workouts have compound movements. Which I love!
Compound movements are two moves combined into one. Another thing that I really like is that we are not repeating the same moves over and over in the same workout.
Lilly also plays music in the background so you feel like your in a live workout class with her and the music is awesome! Great for pushing you to continue working out.
And Lilly had done soooo many live videos, so if you have the time you can tune in live with Lilly to get your workout done.
What Is The Hot Girl Summer Shred?
The hot girl summer shred was a challenge that Lilly Sabri put together. It was a 7 day program that you can do to really take your body to the next level.
And there was one live video per day. Here is the Hot Girl Summer Shred. This is the schedule for the workouts for the week.
This program helps you shred and tone. Also this is a program for all levels of fitness.
It is a very intense program but its only 7 days so I was so interested in trying it out!
Day One: Lilly Sabri Hot Girl Summer Shred
I was so excited to start this challenge. And wanted to do it when it was live with Lilly but I was still finishing up the Chloe Ting 2 week shred challenge.
I didn’t want to stop one challenge to start another so I decided to wait until I was done.
So I started a week later than usual, so it wasn’t too bad.
For this day Lilly had 3 videos to complete and although I was use to doing about 40 minute workouts with Chloe Ting, these videos totaled closer to an hour.
Anyways I finished all three videos on day one in 49 minutes burning 229 calories.
Lilly’s workouts are intense and challenging, she really pushes you and she is so positive and encouraging that you want to continue the workout even if you feel like you have no more energy.
I really love the style of her videos and her music!
Day Two: Lilly Sabri Hot Girl Summer Shred
On day two I was still so excited to be doing her workouts I had no issues continuing and getting it done.
Let me tell you Lilly really pushes you no matter what day of the challenge, she makes you give her you all!
I love her workouts so much, I feel so good when I’m done. Another great thing about here workouts is that she always tries to target all the muscles.
Even when she says she’s targeting a specific area somehow all of my muscles are targeted.
Day two was finished in 49 minutes burning 234 calories.
Day Three:
On day three the I wasn’t able to complete the day three workout because I went into the office and was way to tired when I came home.
I ending up taking day 3 as a rest day. I wanted to do the workout but I knew I had to listen to my body and take it easy.
It’s very important to listen to your body and not over do it as this can lead to injury.
Day Four: Lilly Sabri Hot Girl Summer Shred
On day four I did day 3 workouts. I completed 3 out of 3 videos and it took me about an hour. Unfortunately my watch did not record the exact time or the calories burned.
But Lilly’s workouts are about an hour a day and burn anywhere from 200-300 calories according to my watch.
Day four workouts were a 20 minute weights & cardio workout that also targeted the booty and abs. this workout was super intense and definitely raised your heart rate.
After that one there was a 10 minute legs and booty workout that will leave you burning.
And the last workout for this day was a 5 minute snatched waist workout that really targets your abs.
These workout were all super intense and kick my butt.
Day Five: Lilly Sabri Hot Girl Summer Shred
On day five I had to day four workouts since I was still behind from taking a rest day on day 3.
This day consisted of 2 workout videos instead of the 3 videos that I have been doing throughout this challenge.
A 15 minute legs workout, I love leg workouts and I love toning my legs so I really enjoyed this workout even though it was a killer.
One of the things that I love about Lilly’s workouts is that its always challenging and you have to push yourself.
The second workout was a 30 minute boxing workout that was cardio and weights. This was a great workout and if you didn’t want to do both you could have just done this one.
I completed these workouts in 49 minutes and burned a total of 232 calories.
Day Six:
On day six I was completely unmotivated and not feeling my best and I didn’t know why. But I really wasn’t up for a workout so I skipped the day and used it as a rest day.
I wasn’t going to complete the challenge in the 7 days that it was suppose to be finished in but I wasn’t too worried about that.
I realized that I had to do it on my time and listen to my body.
Day Seven:
On this day my period came and I understood exactly why I was feeling so unmotivated the day before, my body was tired.
I wasn’t able to workout on this day. And sometimes I am fine and I can work through it and feel better on the other side of the workout but it wasn’t happening on that day.
I had to just relax and let it be, so I did.
Day Eight: Lilly Sabri Hot Girl Summer Shred
Day 8 I was back on it and ready to workout so I decided to pick up where I left off. When I checked the schedule day 5 videos was a stretch workout.
Had I known this I would have done it before because stretching is really good for cramps and when your on your period.
But on day eight I was feeling better and ready for something more vigorous, so I decided to skip to day six.
On day 6 the first video was a 30 minute cardio workout that was also with weights.
The second video was a 8 minute abs workout. And the third video was a 10 minute shoulder and arm workout.
I was really looking forward to the third video because this is an are I really want to work on and because so far in the program we didn’t really work on arms.
We had workouts that included arms workouts but nothing that was focused on shoulder and arms.
I completed these three videos in 51 minutes and burned 243 calories.
Day Nine & Ten
Again for some reason I was just too tired to workout so I ended up skipping days 9 and 10.
Which I wasn’t too mad about because I was still working out way more that I had in a while.
Day Eleven: Lilly Sabri Hot Girl Summer Shred
Day 11 was my last day of the program, I had to do day 7 workouts on this day.
I was happy that I was finally completing this program but I had 3 videos to complete.
The first video was a 30 minute lower body and booty sculpt.
Now if you know Lilly or have done one of here booty workouts you know these are INTENSE! Her booty workouts are hardcore.
You will definitely feel your but muscles working.
The second video was a 10 minute booty pump – another intense one!
And the third video was a 8 minute hourglass waist workout. And omg was I happy to not being doing anymore booty workouts but her ab workouts are no easier!
My watch didn’t record accurate time or calories for these workouts.
Final Thoughts
For this workout challenge I didn’t really take measurements or weight I wanted to see if I would be able to complete the workouts.
This challenge was intense and is for intermediate or advanced levels, but I was able to finish the challenge.
That was a major accomplishment for me. So I didn’t really care about the results.
I definitely recommend these programs if you are looking for something intense that will really challenge you.
This is one of the best workouts I have tried.
Let me know in the comments below if you’ve tried this challenge or anyone of Lilly Sabri’s challenges.
If so what did you think of them and will you try another one?