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This 7 day jump rope challenge has been going on for a long time but I stumbled across it on YouTube and decided I wanted to try it.
Since quarantine started I haven’t been able to get as movement in as I wanted to. Actually its been the opposite since we were all stuck in the house.
And eating whatever I wanted and not thinking about it didn’t help. So I gained some pounds, and this wouldn’t be bad had I not felt so sluggish and out of shape.
I noticed that when I had to go outside and walk a bit faster than a normal pace, I was out of breathe and so uncomfortable. So I decided I needed to do something about it.
The only issue I have us that at the beginning of quarantine I started working out hard and hurt my lower back and knee, so high impact workouts are really difficult for me.
Searching for workouts and coming across the jump rope challenge was perfect because this is a low impact workout.

What is the Jump Rope Challenge?
So what exactly is the jump rope challenge? From everything I’ve found it’s a challenge where you do 1000 jumps a day.
The challenging part is that each day you add 100 to the count. So for example day one is 1000, day 2 is 1100, day 3 is 1200 and so on.
This challenge is suppose to last for 7 days. So the last day of the challenge you’ll be doing 1600 jumps.
So I thought oh piece of cake, I use to jump rope when I was younger and I loved doing this. I would jump rope for hours when I was younger.
Jump Rope
In order to do this challenge I had to get a jump rope because I don’t have one. For this I thought I just wanted something simple because hey I just need to jump.
I looked on amazon and found a pretty good one that doesn’t tangle which is the best! This rope was pricy at all and it wasn’t flimsy, So I thought perfect!
The jump rope is awesome and it doesn’t tangle when I jump with it so I don’t waste time untangling.
The only problem I have with this rope is that it doesn’t have a counter, which would be super helpful.
Instead I have to count every jump and keep track of it. So instead of just jumping and not thinking about it I had to make sure I kept track of the count.
Having a jump rope with a counter would have been great but this jump rope wasn’t bad at all.
I also had to get a knee brace to make sure I didn’t put too much pressure on my knee and injury it worse that it was before.

WORKOUT GEAR: Fabletics Workout Haul On Black Friday
Day One: Jump Rope Challenge
I was not properly prepared for day one of the challenge. I did a quick warmup because I saw a lot of the videos said this would be good so I wasn’t too sore afterwards.
After the warmup I started jumping and realized quickly how out of shape I was. I could barely get through 30 jumps at a time.
I was out of breathe and had to stop many times to catch my breathe. This was something that I was not expecting jumping rope to be this difficult.
It was insane! I finally made it through to the 1000 and it took me about 25-30 minutes with breaks in between.
But day one was completed and I didn’t know how I was going to make it through the rest of the challenge but I had to.
Day Two: Jump Rope Challenge
Day two was still difficult because I would get out of breathe quicker than I needed to. And my legs would start to burn if I got to a high number so I had to do as much as I could.
Which at the time was still not a lot, suffice to say getting to 1100 was difficult and I had to take many breaks.
I tried to jump as many as I could before stopping but that wasn’t a lot. I also kept messing up, jumping rope takes some coordination.
This got me to wondering how I was able to do this as a kid but struggled so much as a adult.
It was a bit embarrassing that I let myself get to a point where it was difficult for me to do some low impact activity.
I didn’t want to be so out of breathe when walking or jumping rope so I knew I had to continue.
Day two and 1100 jumps were completed.
Day Three: Jump Rope Challenge
It was getting a bit easier, I was able to start jumping a bit more at a time. I was making it to 50 before I had to take a break and breathe.
This was an accomplishment for me because I wasn’t able to do this before.
I was getting stronger and able to do more movement without tiring out and out of breathe. This made me really happy to see that I was making progress and getting stronger.
So day was completed with a sense of accomplishment.
This day was also complete after traveling to go to the office and home, I was already tired before starting this workout but finishing made me proud of myself.
Day three and 1200 jumps were completed.
Day 4: Jump Rope Challenge
Finally, I was starting to get the hang of jump roping and wasn’t as tired completing the jumps.
I still was only doing 50 at a time but I was completing it and not as out of breathe as I was before.
I was happy that I was actually making progress and able to continue the workout, I haven’t been able to complete many days of working out so making it to day 4 was great for me.
So even though it was more jumps and I was still struggling a bit that fact that I was able to continue was a big deal for me.
Day four and 1300 jumps were completed.
Day 5: Jump Rope Challenge
Getting to day five made me really happy because I started this challenge before and was only able to make it to day 4 before quitting.
I was really proud of myself for making it to day five! I was able to jump more at a time like 60-70.
This was another milestone for me, it was slow progress but still progress. This was exciting that, not only did I continue but I was getting better and stronger.
I also noticed that when I went outside and had to walk or climb stairs I wasn’t as out of breathe.
I was able to walk at a more brisk pace and not feeling at bad as I was before.
The times that I took to jump rope stayed about the same because I was increasing the number of jumps every day. So it was still taking me about 30 minutes to complete.
Day five and 1400 jumps were completed.
Day 6: Jump Rope Challenge
Yayyyy! Day six and I was still going! I couldn’t believe I made it this far without taking a break or quitting.
Everyday I got stronger and stronger. I was able to do about 100 jumps at a time by day six. I went from not being able to do 20ish to doing 100.
My clothes were fitting certain parts of my body differently is what I started to notice. Like the legs of my pants were a bit looser than it had been before.
But my stomach didn’t feel like I lost anything, if anything it felt bigger than before, but that was because I was super bloated.
During this challenge, it was my time of the month so I knew not to let that get me down and to continue the challenge.
Even though I wasn’t seeing a change there I felt better just being able to workout more often.
Day six and 1500 jumps were completed.
Day 7: Jump Rope Challenge
I made it to day seven!!!! What?! I couldn’t believe I came this far. At this point I was jumping 100 at a time and able to doing it with less breaks in between.
I was way stronger than I was on day one. This made me more happy than anything else even physical changes because I knew I was able to endure more.
I could believe that I made it seven days straight doing any activity. Much less something that I was struggling with so much.
The only thing I was unsure about was taking measurements yet because I was still extremely bloated.
So I completed day seven and 1600 jumps.
Day 8: Jump Rope Challenge
What? Day eight? I thought this was a seven day challenge, why are we on day eight?
So I decided because I was so bloated and I wouldn’t be able to take accurate measurements, I should continue the challenge.
So I went on to day eight and it was great that I was able to get through these jumps with not as much struggle and I did when starting.
This really showed my progress better than anything else could have.
At this point I’m happy even if there were any physical changes or not.
Day eight and 1700 jumps were completed.
Day 9: Jump Rope Challenge
I was so motivated that I just continued to jump and figured that I would see how far I get until I took a break.
So I was able to jump and really enjoy jumping without struggling as much and continuing to up my jumps by a hundred everyday.
I remembered how much I loved jumping rope as a girl and it was really nostalgic.
Day nine and 1600 jumps were completed. Unfortunately I ran out of time and was only able to complete 1600 in the time I had.
But I didn’t beat myself up about it, I was still able to get a good workout in.
Day 10: Jump Rope Challenge
Day ten didn’t happen. I was so exhausted by the time day 10 came around that I decided to use it as a rest day.
Sometimes we have to remember that were human and our bodies need breaks to rest and recuperate so that we can continue.
So I just relaxed on day ten and didn’t even thing about jumping. I did get a lot more walking in on day ten than I had in a while so I guess that’s considered an active rest day.
I enjoyed my rest day and didn’t beat myself up for not working out.
Results: Jump Rope Challenge
So what were the results of the jump rope challenge? Were there any results from this or was it done for no reason?
Before we get into results, no matter what the numbers say I don’t regret doing this. Its help me to become stronger to move on to more strenuous activities.
This challenge was completely worth it. But lets get into the numbers….
After nine days of straight jump roping and not changing my eating habits:
Weight: +1.2 lbs
Chest: -0.5 inches
Waist: +0.5 inches
Hips: -0.5 inches
R Thigh: -2 inches
L Thigh: -2 inches
R Arm: no change
L Arm: no change
Total inches lost: 5 inches
These are my results for this challenge and I am really happy with them.
This is only nine days of working out, I can’t imagine what my results will look like if I continue and clean up my eating habits a bit.
I also wanted to mention that I did not have crazy soreness anywhere but my calves but because I made sure to take time and stretch after the workout the pain wasn’t too bad.
Have you tried the jump rope challenge? If so how did you like it? Were you happy with your results?
Let me know in the comments below. I would love to know how you did.
Also what are some other challenges you may have tried and liked? I am really interested in trying some new ones.