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Selfcare has become a very popular and with good reason. So I wrote 6 ways to practice selfcare on Sundays as a way to help us all care for ourselves.
In a world where people are use to taking care of others we often forget about ourselves, and the fact that we also need care.
We neglect our own needs and think of everyone around and how we can help them.
But it is very important to take some time for yourself and reset in order to be better for the people around you.
This is where Selfcare Sundays come in, take one day to do something for yourself that helps to calm the mind and the body.
There are many ways to do this. Here are some ways to practice selfcare.

Take A Bath
This is a great way to unwind from a difficult day or week. Fill the tub with water, maybe some Epsom salt (if you have sore muscles). Any epsom salt is good for this but I really like the epsom salt with lavender, it helps yo to relax.
Add the essential oil of your choice. Lavender, eucalyptus, rose, chamomile, or clary sage are all really good because these essential oils promote relaxation.
Which helps you to feel better. You can take it one step further and add candles to your experience.
A nice scented candle always helps me to relax.
Two of my favorite candles are mahogany teakwood high intensity and glade’s clean linen.
When everything is set up, sit in the tub and soak. This would be a good time to listen to an e-book, read a book or just relax.
At Home Facial
This is a great way to pamper your self for a couple of hours, while taking care of your skin. Read here to learn how to do your own facial at home.
I love taking a few hours to pamper myself, while doing nothing but thinking about the next steps in my facial.
The good thing about doing an at home facial is the some of the steps take longer than others, this is good for sitting back and relaxing.
This is something that can be used as a Sunday ritual before going back to work on Monday.
This can also be turned into an at home spa day, you can take care of your hair as well as your skin.
Or if your feeling like splurging a little you can go to the spa and have a spa day, a day of relaxation and rest.
Meditating is a great way to take care of your mental health.
A lot of times we forget to take care of our mental health, and we end up feeling stressed, anxious or just completely not like ourselves.
Meditating is a great way to reset and breathe.
Meditation helps you to focus on nothing but your breathing and letting go of the everyday stress.
This can also be used with one of these other selfcare tips, like taking a bath or at home facial.
If meditating is something that you have no experience in or something your new to and need help with there are apps that can assist. Two apps that I like are Headspace and Calm.
This is also a great way to take care of your mental health.
Read A Book
This is one of my favorite things to do to take care of my self. When I’m feeling extremely stressed, overwhelmed or like my mind is racing I take a time out and read.
When I can immerse myself in the book I’m reading and not think about anything but the storyline it calms me.
It helps me to focus on something else so I can come back and center myself again and feel calm.
I love reading on my kindle books, on my kindle app.
It’s the best I have my whole collection of books on there and I don’t have to worry about carrying bools around.
Another great thing about the kindle app is I downloaded it on my phone and I can read from anywhere.
Reading isn’t for everyone but it definitely helps me.
Working Out
Working out is great for many reasons.
When I complete a workout I feel accomplished. Like I set out to do something and I completed it.
It is also great for your health and boosting your mood.
Exercising helps with anxiety, depression, sleeping better and memory.
These are just a few of the thing that working out helps with, not to mention getting in better shape.
Working out is good for the body as well as the mind.
Alone Time
Having time by yourself to just recharge and get ready for the next day is always a good thing.
Especially if you are one of those people that need alone time.
In this time you can do whatever you want that helps to put your mind at ease and calm you.
When I have my alone time I usually like to read a book and relax. Reading usually helps me to calm down.
Final Thoughts
These are a few of the things that help me to unwind and take care of myself so that I am able to take on the tasks that I need to everyday.
Selfcare is very important and it is also important that you take the time out to give yourself a little extra care.
Let me know in the comments how you take care of yourself? And what are some of your tips & tricks for selfcare.
Disclaimer I purchased all products discussed in this review, and this is my honest opinion.
Ghulam Mohyudin
It was perfect the first time. I learn so much from you as well! Keep it up great post.
Hawte Style
Ghulam MohyudinThank you Ghulam!
Hawte StyleSelfcare sunday is a must for me. Yesterday it was coconut oil on my hair and a face mask.
Hawte Style
MarjorieThat sounds great Marjorie!
I love the idea of dedicating Sundays as a day for self care. I think I’m gonna read a book this Sunday. Thanks
Hawte Style
EmilyThats great Emily. Sometimes we forget about ourselves and need to take some time to remember. Your welcome 🙂
Beautiful post. I love using Sundays as my self-care day. I spend a lot of quiet time and time reading.
Hawte Style
TiffanyThank you Tiffany! Same here I love quiet time and reading, it helps me to relax and calm my mind.
I love these ideas! I haven’t taken a bath in FOREVER but just might have to fill up the tub later. Great post!
Hawte Style
CarsonBaths are definitely the best! Thank you Carson!
I love doing all of these suggestions! I make sure to do yoga and meditate on a daily basis for my self care. I also spend a lot of time out in nature or walking my dogs; it always calms me.
Hawte Style
ArianaThats a great one to Ariana! Spending time in nature walking your dogs is very calming. Love this idea!
Great suggestions. I try to use Sundays as a regroup day. Taking walks is a great refresher too. Thanks for this post!
Hawte Style
MaureenThats awesome, great idea! I love taking walks too. Your very welcome 🙂
These were great, I’m most especially excited to give meditation a try☺️
Hawte Style
DiekololaThat’s awesome! Im happy to hear that you are trying meditation 🙂
Love this idea ! It’s so so important to dedicate time to ourselves and our mental health – especially right now ! I have to try out meditation! Thank you so much for a great read ! 🙂
Hawte Style
PamSo true Pam! Mental health is very important right now. I agree we need to take some time for ourselves! I’m trying to get into meditation myself. Your welcome! 🙂
I love this post! Self care is so important, and doing it sundays is the best day!
Hawte Style
TonyaleeThis is so true Tonyalee! Sundays are the best for this!
Tomorrow is Sunday, and trust me when i say I’m gonna do everything said above. You say all things good. I loved this!❤️
Hawte Style
HarmanThats great! I hope you enjoy your selfcare Sunday Harman!
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Self care is like you said, SO important – especially right now. Love this post and will definitely be implementing these tips. I feel like meditating and alone time and really listening to what you and your body needs is so so life changing. Thanks for the great read, as usual!
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Danielle Ardizzone
I like the idea of designating Sundays as a time for self-care. It’s so important but often neglected.
Danielle ArdizzoneSo true! We should be taking care of ourselves 🙂
Douglas Jasper
The one word I love reading in this is relax.
Douglas JasperThe best word!
Suzanne McConaghy
I miss my soaking tub!! I love doing these sorts of things and pampering myself, but…I miss my big tub.
Suzanne McConaghyI know the feeling the tub I have now is so much smaller 🙁
We all need to set aside more time for ourselves!
Tiffanywe do!
Beautiful post! Sunday is a perfect day for self-care and self-love! Thank you for the great tips!
HollyThank you!
I need a little self care. I like setting one day a week just for that
LisaThats great!
Self care Sundays. That has a great ring to it! In the summer, spending time in my garden is another way for me to engage in self care. Sometimes when it is quiet and peaceful weeding and deadheading can almost feel like meditation.
LindaThis sounds great, when I was younger I did some gardening and it was very peaceful!
These are such great ideas. I love my Epsom Salts baths with lavender, peppermint, and frankincense.
KendraThat sounds amazing!
Just reading this post, relaxes me! I need a spa day.
DebbieI love spa days!
You are right on, we care for so many others and neglect our own self care. Thanks for the reminder and the list.
SandiYour welcome!
We all need a day of self care often. These tips are great.
AliceThank you!
Books are a great way for me to take care of myself – yeah for me time!
AngelaI love reading too!
Stacey Billingsley
Great ideas! As a teacher, I can certainly relate to the anxiety on Sunday night. I like to soak in the tub and read, and I definitely need my alone time.
Stacey BillingsleyAll those are my favorites!
heather J jandrue
Self-care is so darn important! I love your suggestions and do a lot of those myself. It is a perfect way to end or start a week, however, you look at it.
heather J jandrueI agree! Thank you!
Over the past two months I have gotten back into a routine of reading, and it has made such a difference in how I feel. I love reading but had forgotten how much I enjoy it.
SaraReading always makes me feel better too!
Suzan | It's My Sustainable Life
Great suggestions! Self-care is something I practice daily, but Sundays have such a special energy of encouraging it, love that you combined the two!
Suzan | It’s My Sustainable LifeThank you! Its great that you practice self-care everyday 🙂
This sounds like the perfect day! I love doing all of these things.
EvaThats awesome! Glad you enjoyed it!
I love me a Sunday bath! Thank you for these 🙂
JuliaThey’re the best!
Love these ideas… although my day to do them would depend on work schedule and whether hubby can take kids out of the house to give me a moments peace! Lol…a book, glass of wine and a bubble bath would be HEAVEN right about now!!
MarianneThat sounds like heaven for sure! I hope you get some free time to take care of yourself 🙂
I love practicing self care on Sundays! Alone time is my favorite. I also enjoy spending time in my garden.
CindyThat sounds great!
Katy Malkin
I’m pretty good at taking baths, I think meditation is the one I need to work on! Thank you.
Katy MalkinI love baths! Me too, meditation takes some work!
Meredith Blaise
I love self care sundays! Totally set the mood for the entire week. I used to do my cramming on Sundays, it was painful. Thanks for these great tips!
Meredith BlaiseTotally agree it does set the mood for the week. Your very welcome 🙂